Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Multicultural Day

Multicultural Day

Organized by members of the Students of Color Affinity (SOCA) Club and Madeline Albrittain, World Languages Chairperson, our first Multicultural Day was held on October 4, 2024 in the Sister Lisa Gambacorto Theater.
During the Multicultural Showcase, students shared various items representative of their identity and culture including traditional dress, works of art, musical instruments, books, maps, flags, card games, dance, and more. Members of the Italian Club, advised by Nicole Doria ‘18 (Italian teacher), performed the folk dance, “La Tarantella.” Attendees were given passports and had stickers affixed to them after visiting each corresponding table.
Sixteen different countries/regions were represented at the Food Fair during lunch periods, including China, El Salvador, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Middle East, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, and Thailand. Members of the school community purchased wristbands to participate in the fair which featured delicious catered food which was donated from members of the school community. Members of the Mercy Guild served the cuisine during the fair.
Zoe Daly ‘24, SOCA President, said, “The idea for Multicultural Day came about last year as a way to educate our school community about the diversity found in the Mount. One of SOCA’s main goals is to share our cultural identities with all Mounties so we can learn from and appreciate each other’s differences. Having the Multicultural Showcase was a great way to do that. I am so thankful to all the students who participated and shared their heritages with us,” she added. “It was also very encouraging to see how many students showed up to support their classmates and educate themselves. It really shows how committed the Mount community is to fostering and celebrating diversity. The International Food Fair was another fun way to experience different cultures, and all the dishes were absolutely incredible! We are so thankful to the wonderful donors who made this possible. The entire day was a great success, and I know this is the beginning of a new Mount tradition.”
© Mount Saint Mary Academy